The Brazilian club, Sao Paulo finally claimed that they have meet to an agreement with Chelsea about the new young star, Lucas Piazon. He is heading to London in the coming 2012.
The 17 years old player who’s called as the “ New Kaka’ “, will be joining Chelsea after he turn to 18 years old with a transfer amount of 7,5 million euro. 80 % of the transfer money will be receive by Sao Paulo, while the rest is shared to the agents and the family of Lucas.
Previously, Juventus had been interested to recruit him in the beginning of the season, but they didn’t meet to an agreement. The vice-president of Sao Paulo, Carlos Augusto de Barros said that the agreement with Chelsea will help them financially to recruit Luis Fabiano from Sevilla F.C.
“This is a big transfer,” said Barros to the Sky Sport.
“The transfer amount of Lucas Piazon is similarly close to the transfer amount of Luis Fabiano.”
“Lucas almost join with Juventus in the beginning of the season, but now everybody knows where will his destination be.”
Lucas flew to London in the beginning of this month for medical test. However, he have not sign the contract with Chelsea yet.
Source: www.bola.net