Striker Fernando Torres was injured while competing in the World Cup final in 2010 was not seriously injured. Torres likely to be played back with his club,
Liverpool are in action early next season. Liverpool will face Arsenal in their first match in next season.
Torres was previously estimated to be sidelined for three weeks can finally revealed in the English Premier League opening match.
Based on the results of the scan, the Spanish national team striker suffered only minor injuries in the groin after appearing in the last World Cup final.
Peter Brukner, Liverpool medical officer, said, "From the initial assessment he only suffered a slight muscle tear and Spanish medical teams are also assessing the injury is not too serious," says Brukner.
"He had an MRI scan yesterday which can be confirmed only through a small tear," he explained.
"It seems to be practicing about two or three weeks. Thus she was able to play again on the third or fourth week ahead, "he explained.